Casa Foundation - Mission & Goals

Benjamine Oberoi, owner of Casa Cottage with Bhushan Oberoi, has capitalized her experience in sustainable development in South India. Her expertise is now recognized by many international foundations with whom she had partnered.

She is currently engaged in two NGOs:

  • "Objectif France Inde”, created in 1998 in France
  • "Casa Foundation”, created in 2011 in India.

casa cottage social commitment

Objective France Inde

OBJECTIVE FRANCE INDE (OFI): 14 years of experience in sustainable development in South India. OFI is an association under French law 1901 for non-profit state-approved NGOs. Thanks to the skills of the members of OFI, our local partners enjoy methodological and technical support. Volunteers provide local good project coordination and technical support. As such, OFI has real expertise in the field.

Since 1998, OFI takes part in the creation of the project, fundraising, coordination, and monitoring of projects with various Indian NGOs: SEVAI, HUT, APD, BOSCO and GRAMIUM. OFI directly funds the rural development of Tamil Nadu, and helps to raise institutional funds: more than 1 million € last 3 years!

In Bangalore

- BOSCO working with the young street children who are at risk in the city of Bangalore.

- APD (association of people with disability)is working to help the integration of people with disability ,to empower them to become contributing members of society and lead a life with self-esteem and dignity. 5000 children and young adults are supported by APD

In Tamil Nadu

SEVAI(Society for Education Village Action Improvement ) Trichy .We are supporting children education, handicapped children and adults integration, Women development from employment and microcredit, bio-agriculture farming.

GRAMIUM Kulithalai: We are engaged in agriculture projects, watershed management ,women organization and uplifment through entrepreneurship.

HUT (Human Uplift Trust) Trichy: We have helped HUT creating a home and school for 70 HIV affected children and an english medium school for 750 Dalit children

These three NGOs are engaged in local development, and implement integrated development programs that include access to education, social entrepreneurship and access to micro credit, social rights of the poor, but also the establishment of infrastructure for the development of agricultural activity.

About Casa Foundation

CASA is an Indian NGO FOUNDATION founded by Benjamine Oberoi. It has three objectives: Education projects in rural areas Projects for job creation Integration of Persons with Disabilities FOUNDATION CASA works hand in hand alongside OFI to support sustainable development projects implemented by NGO partners in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.